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Webinar | Houston Innovation Ecosystem Series Part 1: Venture Capital
Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Category: Houston

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Pacific)
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Mountain)
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM (Central)
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM (Eastern)

Zoom invitation will be shared the day before the event.


The Houston Chapter of the Private Directors Association® is pleased to offer a three-part series focused on the thriving innovation ecosystem in Houston. Attendees will have strategic opportunities to engage with these innovative companies and the series will provide a roadmap to becoming engaged.

·       The June 16th webinar is an Introduction to Houston’s Innovation Ecosystem, featuring panelists representing two Incubators as well as one intimately engaged in the startup financing network-also known as Angel Investors. These are two terms you will gain greater familiarity with through the course of the series. The event will be a webinar from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM.

·       Our July event will offer the perspective of the entrepreneurial team and provide an overview of the areas where PDA members can become engaged as advisors and mentors to help the startup advance to its next stage of development.

·       August will provide more detail on the capital stages and sources available to startups, describing the criteria these players use and providing some perspective on the benefits a board of advisors can provide in the process and where the PDA can add value.

The three-part series will help answer questions and guide our members through this labyrinth, leaving you with a clearer perspective of where your role may be best focused.  Here are some areas we will explore during the June 16th event:

  •  A Road Map of the Houston’s thriving startup company ecosystem, information sources and how can members get involved?
  • What roles do mentors play in this ecosystem?  What skill sets are most in demand?
  • What are the differences between being on a board of advisors versus a board of managers/directors?  What concerns must you be aware of in each of these roles?
  • At what point do companies look to bring on mentors and advisors and when do they look to form a formal board of managers/directors?

Thank you to our National and Gold Chapter Sponsors!



Juliana Garaizar 
Launch Director and President, Greentown Labs Houston
Lead Investor, Portfolia
Board Member, Angel Capital Association
Fellow, Kauffman

With an extensive background in venture capital and private equity in Asia, Europe, and North America, Juliana’s commitment to early-stage companies has been recognized with numerous awards.  On April 22 Greentown Labs Houston had its grand opening bringing the largest Climatech incubator in North America to the energy capital of the world.  


Stephanie Campbell
General Partner, The Artemis Fund 
Managing Director, The Houston Angel Network (HAN)
Board Member, Goodfynd, Houston Exponential, Rice Business Partners 

Stephanie is a leader in the Houston early stage venture ecosystem. She is the co-founder and General Partner of The Artemis Fund and Managing Director of Houston Angel Network. The Artemis Fund leads seed round for female-led technology companies. HAN is the most active angel network in the US for a single location and has invested in over 500 companies since inception in 2001. She also serves on the Board of Houston Exponential and Rice Business Partners.


Lawson Gow
CEO and Found, The Cannon
Founder, SillyBox

Lawson is committed to the Houston innovation ecosystem and has worked to support a robust environment for startups and technology.  The Cannon develops innovation infrastructure including three coworking spaces to support entrepreneurialism around the world.  The Canon also has a community of startup advisors and investors to democratize access to the resources innovators need to succeed.
